
Chinese Female Artist Sleeps Naked on Bed of Iron Wire

Chinese Female Artist Sleeps Naked

Chinese Female Artist “Sleeping Nude” on Iron Wire Bed for 36 Days Attracts Attention

On August 9th, Beijing, Chinese female artist Zhou Jie sleeps on an unfinished iron wire bed in the exhibition room of Beijing Art Now Gallery. This art project was named “36 Days” and over these 36 days, she can eat, wash, use the bathroom, play on her mobile phone and so on as normal. As it is understood, from August 9th to September 13th, Zhou Jie will sleep on the iron wire bed in the exhibition room of Beijing Art Now Gallery. With an unfinished single bed bundled by iron wires, a pile of semi-finished “plush toys” weaved with iron wire, and enough food and mobile phone to last more than a month, Zhou Jie will spend 36 days.

Chinese Female Artist Sleeps Naked

August 9th, the first day of the project.

Chinese Female Artist Sleeps Naked

Chinese Female Artist Sleeps Naked

August 11th, the third day of the project.

Chinese Female Artist Sleeps Naked

Chinese Female Artist Sleeps Naked

Chinese Female Artist Sleeps Naked

Chinese Female Artist Sleeps Naked


Iron wire bed... it reflects our daily life or harsh living environment, i think.

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